About the Association

The Peaceful Bay Progress Association was established in 1961. Its focus is to co-operate with other community groups and government instrumentalities to conserve Peaceful Bay's sense of community and history, promote appropriate development of Peaceful Bay and surrounds, and to assist and support community members with relevant matters. The Association also manages village maintenance and encourages social participation in volunteer events for all ages.


The annual subscription fee has been set at $30,  payable in cash, cheque or direct transfer to our treasurer. We appreciate all contributions to assist funding small community events and minor maintenance of our assets.     Subscriptions

Meet the Team

The Peaceul Bay Progress Association elects twelve committee members at the start of each calendar year. The four executive and eight members meet once per month to deal with relevant matters.


Behind the scenes, the volunteers on the PBPA are working towards improving access to the beach for those with reduced mobility. This is a project in its infancy and is in partnership with the Shire of Denmark.

A sub committee are also working towards the installation of outdoor exercise equipment for adults in addition to the installation of seats at strategic locations around the ring road.

The PBPA is always interested in your feedback and ideas for continuous improvement.

Fire and Safety SMS Alert

Part of the Fire and Safety mitigation strategy, The Shire of Denmark encourage you to register for SMS Community Alerts.

Enrol to vote in local elections

The Shire of Denmark runs election by postal vote. All postal elections are managed by the WA Electoral Commission (WAEC) who appoint a Returning Officer for each election. You are able to vote in more than one Local Government electorate as long as you are registered in each municipality. Click on the link below to register.